June 6th - June 8th, 2019
Telč, Czech Republic
For Authors
Young researchers and engineers, PhD students and students dealing with problems of experimental solid and fluid mechanics are kindly invited to submit abstracts concerning their recent work.
Abstracts have to be written in English, not more than one formated page, submmited during the dialog in participant account after login until February 28th 2019. Following the notification of acceptance the abstracts will be published in the Symposium book of abstracts (with ISBN). Provided LaTeX template for abstract should be used.
- LaTeX template & formatting instructions (zip archive)
Full paper
Extended papers have to be written in English submitted until May 31st, 2019. Required length of the manuscript is 4-5 pages including all tables, figures and references. The papers will be published in Wos indexed APP journal after per-reviewer process. For guidelines and LaTeX template visit the website of the journal.
Format A0 is prefered for the poster.
Podium time is limited to 10 minutes for short research introduction followed by discussion at poster section.